NetworkManager Methods
The NetworkManager type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ConfigureMode |
Configures the network mode of operation (Server, Client, or Manual).
ConfirmPlayerCreatedOnClient |
Confirms that a player object has been created on the client side and performs initial setup.
DestroyOnClient |
Destroys a network object on the client side.
DisableAutoReconnect |
Determines if the internal network ID should be used.
FireOnClientDisconnectedFromServer |
Handles the event when a client disconnects from the server.
FixedUpdate |
FixedUpdate is called every fixed framerate frame.
Updates network ticks and performs fixed update operations.
GectPredictionTechinique |
Retrieves the prediction technique being used.
GetAcceptableLatencyValue |
Determines if the system should control player cameras.
GetActiveTransport |
Retrieves the active network transport entry.
GetConnection |
Retrieves the network transport associated with the specified connection type.
GetConnectionType |
Gets the connection type of the current instance.
GetCurrentFPS |
Gets the current frames per second (FPS), clamped to the maximum allowed FPS.
GetCurrentInputValue<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Gets the current value of an input by invoking the corresponding method.
GetCustomNetworkId |
Retrieves a custom network identifier based on the provided arguments.
GetDecryptionMethod |
Return method used to decript data
Note: This method is configured by user on NetworkManager object
GetEncryptionMethod |
Return method used to encript data
Note: This method is configured by user on NetworkManager object
GetFirstNoMasterPlayers<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Retrieves the first non-master player from the specified lobby.
GetGoodLatencyValue |
Retrieves the value considered as acceptable latency.
GetInstanceId |
Retrieves the unique network session identifier.
GetLocalPlayer<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Retrieves the local player.
GetLoginInformations |
Retrieves login information as an array of objects.
GetLoginInformationsTypes |
Retrieves the types of the login information.
GetManagedInputs |
Retrieves an array of managed inputs.
GetMasterPlayer<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Retrieves the master player for a given lobby.
GetNetworkingMode |
Retrieves the current networking mode.
GetNetworkPrefab |
Retrieves a specific network prefab by its signature.
GetNetworkPrefabs |
Retrieves all network prefabs from the prefabs database.
GetObjectOnClient<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Int32) |
Retrieves a network object on the client side by its network ID.
GetObjectOnClient<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(UInt16) |
Retrieves a network object on the client side by its player ID.
GetPingAverage |
Gets the average ping time in milliseconds.
GetPingAverageTime |
Gets the average ping time in seconds.
GetPlayer<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(UInt16) |
Retrieves a player by their ID.
GetPlayer<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IClient) |
Retrieves a player associated with a given client.
GetPlayers<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Retrieves a list of players for a given lobby.
GetPlayersCount |
Gets the count of players in the specified lobby.
GetPredictionBufferSize |
Retrieves the prediction factor curve.
GetPredictionFactor |
Retrieves the prediction speed factor curve.
GetPredictionOverride |
Determines if remote input is used.
GetPredictionSpeedFactor |
Determines if there is an override for the prediction logic.
GetPredictionTechnique |
Retrieves the size of the prediction buffer.
GetPrivateIp |
Retrieves the private IP address.
GetPublicIp |
Retrieves the public IP address.
GetSendRate |
Gets the send rate of the connection.
GetServerWorkingMode |
Determines if there is a connection to the relay server.
GetUpdateMode |
Disables the auto-reconnect feature.
HasConnection(NetworkTransport) |
Checks if there is a connection associated with the specified network transport.
HasConnection(ConnectionType) |
Checks if there is a connection of the specified type.
HasLocalPlayer |
Determines if a local player exists.
HasMasterPlayer |
Checks if there is a master player in the specified lobby.
HasNetworkPlayer |
Checks if a network player is associated with a given client.
HasPlayers |
Determines if there are any players in the specified lobby.
HasPredictionOverride |
Retrieves the prediction override component if available.
HasValidInstance |
Checks if the current network session has a valid instance ID.
InAuthoritativeMode |
Determines if the server mode is disabled.
InEmbeddedMode |
Determines if the system is in authoritative mode.
Initialize |
Initializes the NetworkManager instance with necessary resources and configurations.
InitializeServerInstance |
Initializes the server instance with the specified instance ID.
InitializeSpawnedObjects |
Initializes spawned objects for the client, excluding a specific network element if provided.
InRelayMode |
Determines if the system is in embedded mode.
Instance |
Provides access to the singleton instance of the NetworkManager.
InstanceIsValid |
Validates if the provided instance ID matches the current network session ID.
InstantiateOnClient |
Badly formed XML comment.
IsAutoReconnectDisabled |
Checks if auto-reconnect is disabled.
IsBroadcastEvent |
Checks if an event code corresponds to a broadcast event.
IsClientConnection |
Determines if the current connection is a client connection.
IsConnected |
Checks if the client is currently connected to the server.
IsConnectedOnLobbyServer |
Checks if the current instance is connected to the lobby server.
IsConnectedOnRelayServer |
Determines if there is a connection to the lobby server.
IsDisconnectionDetected |
Detects if a disconnection has occurred on the client side.
IsEncryptionEnabled |
Return if encryption mode is enabled
IsLobbyControlEnabled |
Determines if lobby control is enabled.
IsLoginEnabled |
Determines if network login is enabled.
IsMasterPlayer |
Determines if the local player is the master player.
IsProcessingInputs |
Determines if the network is currently processing inputs.
IsRemoteInputEnabled |
Checks if remote input is enabled.
IsRouterPortMapped |
Checks if the router port is mapped.
IsRunningLogic |
Determines if the network logic is currently running.
IsServerConnection |
Determines if the current connection is a server connection.
IsServerModeDisabled |
Retrieves the current working mode of the server.
IsServerRestartDetectionEnabled |
Checks if server restart detection is enabled.
IsToControlCameras |
Determines if the player camera should be detached.
IsToDetachPlayerCamera |
Retrieves the update mode for network communication.
IsToUseCustomNetworkId |
Determines if the system is in relay mode.
IsToUseInternalNetworkId |
Determines if a custom network ID should be used.
IsToValidateLogin |
Determines if login validation is enabled.
IsValidLogin |
Validates the provided login arguments.
OnClientLobbyCreationFailedEvent |
Invoked when a client fails to create a lobby.
OnClientLobbyCreationSucessEvent |
Invoked when a client successfully creates a lobby.
OnClientLobbyJoinFailedEvent |
Invoked when a client fails to join a lobby.
OnClientLobbyJoinSucessEvent |
Invoked when a client successfully joins a lobby.
OnClientLoginFailedEvent |
Invoked when a client login attempt fails.
OnClientLoginSucessEvent |
Invoked when a client login attempt is successful.
OnLoginFailedEvent |
Handles the event when a login attempt fails.
OnLoginSucessEvent |
Handles the event when a login attempt is successful.
OnMessageReceivedEvent |
Invoked when a message is received from the network.
RegisterBroadcastEvent |
Registers a broadcast event with a specific event code.
RegisterConnection |
Registers a new network connection and configures its latency measurement callback if it's not already registered.
RegisterDestroyedObject |
Registers a destroyed network object to keep track of it.
RegisterDetectedObject |
Registers a detected network object to keep track of it.
RegisterEvent |
Registers a callback for a specific network event.
RegisterGarbageObject |
Registers a garbage network object associated with the current network session.
RegisterNetworkClient |
Registers a network client with an associated network element.
RegisterNetworkPlayer(IPlayer) |
Registers a network player.
RegisterNetworkPlayer(UInt16, String, IClient) |
Registers a network player with an optional client.
RegisterNetworkPlayer(IClient) |
Registers a new network player for a given client and assigns a unique player ID.
RenewServerInstance |
Renews the server instance by clearing out old network objects and resetting the instance ID.
RequestLobbyCreate |
Sends a request to create a new lobby with the specified name.
RequestLobbyJoin |
Sends a request to join a lobby with the specified ID.
RequestLobbyRefresh |
Sends a request to refresh the list of available lobbies.
Send |
Sends data over the network to the server or client connection.
SetConnectedOnRelayServer |
Sets the connection status for both relay and lobby servers.
SetServerAddress |
Sets the server address for the first server in the list.
SetTargetDatabase |
Sets the target database for the server instance.
SetTcpPort |
Sets the TCP port for the network connection.
SetUdpPort |
Sets the UDP port for the network connection.
SpawnClientPlayerOnServer |
Spawns a client player on the server.
SpawnServerPlayer |
Spawns a server player GameObject based on the configured spawn position mode.
StartNetwork |
Initiates a network connection, with optional reconnection and delay parameters.
StopNetwork |
Stops the network connection.
UnregisterBroadcastEvent |
Unregisters a previously registered broadcast event.
UnregisterConnection |
Unregisters an existing network connection if it is currently registered.
UnregisterNetworkPlayer |
Unregisters a network player.
Update |
Update is called once per frame.
Performs base update operations, frame rate calculations, and object spawn/despawn detection.
UpdateMasterPlayer |
Updates the master player status and potentially reactivates network elements.
UpdateRemoteTick |
Updates the remote tick count if the difference between the current remote tick count and the provided tick exceeds the tolerance.
UseAutomaticPrediction |
Determines if automatic prediction is enabled.
UseLatencyTolerance |
Retrieves the value considered as good latency.
UseMovementPrediction |
Determines if movement prediction is enabled.
UseNetworkClock |
Determines if the network clock should be used.
UsePhysicsPrediction |
Determines if physics-based prediction is enabled.
UseRemoteInput |
Determines if latency tolerance features are enabled.
UseTransformPrediction |
Determines if transform-based prediction is enabled.