com.onlineobject.objectnet Namespace

EmbeddedConverter Methods

The EmbeddedConverter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member FromDouble
Converts a given Double to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member FromFloat
Converts a given Single to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member FromInt
Converts a given Int32 to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member FromLong
Converts a given Int64 to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member FromShort
Converts a given Int16 to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member FromUInt
Converts a given UInt32 to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member FromULong
Converts a given UInt64 to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member FromUShort
Converts a given UInt16 to bytes and writes them into the given array.
Public method Static member ToDouble
Converts the 8 bytes in the array at startIndex to a Double.
Public method Static member ToFloat
Converts the 4 bytes in the array at startIndex to a Single.
Public method Static member ToInt
Converts the 4 bytes in the array at startIndex to a Int32.
Public method Static member ToLong
Converts the 8 bytes in the array at startIndex to a Int64.
Public method Static member ToShort
Converts the 2 bytes in the array at startIndex to a Int16.
Public method Static member ToUInt
Converts the 4 bytes in the array at startIndex to a UInt32.
Public method Static member ToULong
Converts the 8 bytes in the array at startIndex to a UInt64.
Public method Static member ToUShort
Converts the 2 bytes in the array at startIndex to a UInt16.