EmbeddedMessage Methods
The EmbeddedMessage type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Add(Byte) |
Adds a single [byte] to the message.
Add(SByte) |
Adds a single [sbyte] to the message.
Add(Boolean) |
Adds a [bool] to the message.
Add(Int16) |
Adds a [short] to the message.
Add(UInt16) |
Adds a [ushort] to the message.
Add(Int32) |
Adds an [int] to the message.
Add(UInt32) |
Adds a [uint] to the message.
Add(Int64) |
Adds a [long] to the message.
Add(UInt64) |
Adds a [ulong] to the message.
Add(Single) |
Adds a [float] to the message.
Add(Double) |
Adds a [double] to the message.
Add(String) |
Adds a [string] to the message.
Add(array<Byte>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [byte] array to the message.
Add(array<SByte>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds an [sbyte] array to the message.
Add(array<Boolean>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [bool] array to the message.
Add(array<Int16>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [short] array to the message.
Add(array<UInt16>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [ushort] array to the message.
Add(array<Int32>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds an [int] array message.
Add(array<UInt32>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [uint] array to the message.
Add(array<Int64>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [long] array to the message.
Add(array<UInt64>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [ulong] array to the message.
Add(array<Single>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [float] array to the message.
Add(array<Double>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [double] array to the message.
Add(array<String>[]()[][], Boolean) |
Adds a [string] array to the message.
Add<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(T) | ||
Add<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(array<T>[]()[][], Boolean) | ||
AddBool |
Adds a Boolean to the message.
AddBools |
Adds a Boolean array to the message.
AddByte |
Adds a single Byte to the message.
AddBytes |
Adds a Byte array to the message.
AddDouble |
Adds a Double to the message.
AddDoubles |
Adds a Double array to the message.
AddFloat |
Adds a Single to the message.
AddFloats |
Adds a Single array to the message.
AddInt |
Adds an Int32 to the message.
AddInts |
Adds an Int32 array message.
AddLong |
Adds a Int64 to the message.
AddLongs |
Adds a Int64 array to the message.
AddSByte |
Adds a single SByte to the message.
AddSBytes |
Adds an SByte array to the message.
AddSerializable<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Adds a serializable to the message.
AddSerializables<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Adds an array of serializables to the message.
AddShort |
Adds a Int16 to the message.
AddShorts |
Adds a Int16 array to the message.
AddString |
Adds a String to the message.
AddStrings |
Adds a String array to the message.
AddUInt |
Adds a UInt32 to the message.
AddUInts |
Adds a UInt32 array to the message.
AddULong |
Adds a UInt64 to the message.
AddULongs |
Adds a UInt64 array to the message.
AddUShort |
Adds a UInt16 to the message.
AddUShorts |
Adds a UInt16 array to the message.
Create()()()() |
Gets a completely empty message instance with no header.
Create(EmbeddedMessageSendMode, UInt16) |
Gets a message instance that can be used for sending.
Create(EmbeddedMessageSendMode, Enum) |
Gets a completely empty message instance with no header.
CreateNotify |
Gets a notify message instance that can be used for sending.
GetBool |
Retrieves a Boolean from the message.
GetBools()()()() |
Retrieves a Boolean array from the message.
GetBools(Int32) |
Retrieves a Boolean array from the message.
GetBools(Int32, array<Boolean>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a Boolean array with bools retrieved from the message.
GetByte |
Retrieves a single Byte from the message.
GetBytes()()()() |
Retrieves a Byte array from the message.
GetBytes(Int32) |
Retrieves a Byte array from the message.
GetBytes(Int32, array<Byte>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a Byte array with bytes retrieved from the message.
GetDouble |
Retrieves a Double from the message.
GetDoubles()()()() |
Retrieves a Double array from the message.
GetDoubles(Int32) |
Retrieves a Double array from the message.
GetDoubles(Int32, array<Double>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a Double array with doubles retrieved from the message.
GetFloat |
Retrieves a Single from the message.
GetFloats()()()() |
Retrieves a Single array from the message.
GetFloats(Int32) |
Retrieves a Single array from the message.
GetFloats(Int32, array<Single>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a Single array with floats retrieved from the message.
GetInt |
Retrieves an Int32 from the message.
GetInts()()()() |
Retrieves an Int32 array from the message.
GetInts(Int32) |
Retrieves an Int32 array from the message.
GetInts(Int32, array<Int32>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates an Int32 array with ints retrieved from the message.
GetLong |
Retrieves a Int64 from the message.
GetLongs()()()() |
Retrieves a Int64 array from the message.
GetLongs(Int32) |
Retrieves a Int64 array from the message.
GetLongs(Int32, array<Int64>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a Int64 array with longs retrieved from the message.
GetSByte |
Retrieves a single SByte from the message.
GetSBytes()()()() |
Retrieves an SByte array from the message.
GetSBytes(Int32) |
Retrieves an SByte array from the message.
GetSBytes(Int32, array<SByte>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a SByte array with bytes retrieved from the message.
GetSerializable<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Retrieves a serializable from the message.
GetSerializables<(Of <<'(T>)>>)()()()() |
Retrieves an array of serializables from the message.
GetSerializables<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Int32) |
Retrieves an array of serializables from the message.
GetSerializables<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Int32, array<T>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates an array of serializables retrieved from the message.
GetShort |
Retrieves a Int16 from the message.
GetShorts()()()() |
Retrieves a Int16 array from the message.
GetShorts(Int32) |
Retrieves a Int16 array from the message.
GetShorts(Int32, array<Int16>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a Int16 array with shorts retrieved from the message.
GetString |
Retrieves a String from the message.
GetStrings()()()() |
Retrieves a String array from the message.
GetStrings(Int32) |
Retrieves a String array from the message.
GetStrings(Int32, array<String>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a String array with strings retrieved from the message.
GetUInt |
Retrieves a UInt32 from the message.
GetUInts()()()() |
Retrieves a UInt32 array from the message.
GetUInts(Int32) |
Retrieves a UInt32 array from the message.
GetUInts(Int32, array<UInt32>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a UInt32 array with uints retrieved from the message.
GetULong |
Retrieves a UInt64 from the message.
GetULongs()()()() |
Retrieves a UInt64 array from the message.
GetULongs(Int32) |
Retrieves a UInt64 array from the message.
GetULongs(Int32, array<UInt64>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a UInt64 array with ulongs retrieved from the message.
GetUShort |
Retrieves a UInt16 from the message.
GetUShorts()()()() |
Retrieves a UInt16 array from the message.
GetUShorts(Int32) |
Retrieves a UInt16 array from the message.
GetUShorts(Int32, array<UInt16>[]()[][], Int32) |
Populates a UInt16 array with ushorts retrieved from the message.
Release |
Returns the message instance to the internal pool so it can be reused.
TrimPool |
Trims the message pool to a more appropriate size for how many EmbeddedServer and/or EmbeddedClient instances are currently running.