com.onlineobject.objectnet Namespace

NetworkElement Methods

The NetworkElement type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method GetDeviceBehavior<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Retrieves a device behavior of a specific type if it is registered.
Public method HasDeviceBehavior<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Checks if a device behavior of a specific type is registered.
Public method Process
Processes the network element by first calling the base process method, then processing local and remote inputs.
Public method RegisterDeviceBehavior<(Of <<'(T, E>)>>)
Registers a device behavior to the network entity.
Public method SetToComputeLocalDevice
Sets the flag to determine whether to compute on the local device.
Public method SetToComputeRemoteDevice
Sets the flag to determine whether to compute on the remote device.
Public method UnregisterDeviceBehavior<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Unregisters a device behavior of a specific type from the network entity.