When Remote Input is enabled, Network Prefabs can behave differently from his normal behavior since the local player is running his player prefab on passive mode and sending input only.

ObjectNet automatically disables all scripts when the game object is in passive mode, although in this specific case, some script needs to be executed, one example is the script that executes Input Checks ( for example ), otherwise Network Inputs will not be sent to the server.

Script over Remote input can be enabled/disabled by clicking on an icon.


A list of all scripts on each game object ( including children) will appear, and you can enable/disable any script.

By flagging the check box you can enable the script to run on passive instances.

In case any script needs to be executed before being disabled ( if some data was collected in OnAwake on OnStart methods ) you shall keep the checkbox unchecked and use the slider to tell to ObjectNet to disable this script only after a certain amount of time.

In the example below, the script "ControllerPlayerCharacter" will only be disabled after 20 ms of object creation.