Coding Network Variables
This section explains how to declare and use Network Variables by code.
- Using Network Variables directly
Network Variable must bound a type NetworkVariable<T> where T must be included into allowed types ( see Network Variables ).
private NetworkVariable<string> variable = "";
- Once defined you can use it as if any other script variable
this.variable = "This is a new string value";
string variableValue = this.variable;
- Detecting Changes
You can detect when the object was updated on the passive instance to apply changes only when occur..
this.variable.OnValueChange((string oldValue, string newValue) => {
Debug.Log(string.Format("Value was updated from [ {0} ] to [ {1} ] ", oldValue, newValue));
- Synchronizing local variables
ObjectNet allows to synchronization of network variables with local variables automatically. The following script allows you to keep a local variable synchronized with a network variable, no matter where you change the value, both variables will have the same value.
string localVariable = "Start text";
this.variable.OnSynchonize(() => { return this.localVariable; },
(string value) => { this.localVariable = value; });
this.localVariable = "New value from local"; // In this case variable Network will also receive the new value "New value from local"
this.variable = "New value from Network variable"; // In this case local variable will also receive the new value "New value from Network Variable"